Ahilej Vidikovac

User rating: 8.87 Read comments (132)

Working hours

Monday 7:00-23:00
Tuesday 7:00-23:00
Wednesday 7:00-23:00
Thursday 7:00-23:00
Friday 7:00-23:00
Saturday 8:00-22:00
Sunday 8:00-22:00

About us

Ahilej Vidikovac, spanning over 900 square meters, offers state-of-the-art equipment, top-notch services, and the quality you expect from a premium brand. It is located at Kneza Višeslava 61 and 61a.
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No extra charge

Comments and ratings (132)

Equipment 9.1
Staff 8.9
Hygiene 8.5
Interior 8.9

How to leave a comment ?

If you want to leave a comment and a review, you need to go to the desired object, check in, and in the evening you will receive an e-mail (your Fitpass registration e-mail address will be used) with instructions on how to leave a review.

5.6 28.1.2025 / 23:13

“higijena jako slaba, ljudi cool, sprave ... eh”

10 16.1.2025 / 21:40


10 11.1.2025 / 17:27

“Odlična teretana, ima dosta sprava i ljudi su opušteni i ljubazni!”

10 11.1.2025 / 21:12


6.3 4.1.2025 / 20:19

“too crowded almost all the time”

4.4 5.12.2024 / 09:33

“Toalet papir i sapun su misaone imenice. Tusevi u zenskoj svlacionici su katastrofa.”

9.4 3.12.2024 / 07:58

“Sve je vrh!”

8.1 1.12.2024 / 14:32

“Nikada nema papira i sapuna u svlacionici”

6.9 25.11.2024 / 11:11

“WC nikada nije cist!”

5.6 18.11.2024 / 17:38

“U posle podne higijena je losija, nema sapuna i papira za ruke. Povedite racuna o higijeni.”

Kneza Višeslava 61a, Vidikovac, Beograd