Bazen 25. Maj

User rating: 8.79 Read comments (313)
Swimming pool

Working hours

Monday 06:15-23:30
Tuesday 06:15-23:30
Wednesday 06:15-22:30
Thursday 06:15-23:30
Friday 06:15-23:30
Saturday 06:15-23:30
Sunday 06:15-23:00
VAŽNO!!! OBJEKAT JE U PONUDI DO 29.12. NAKON TOGA ĆE BITI ZATVOREN ZBOG RENOVIRANJA! Više informacija o dostupnim terminima na sajtu objekta

About us

Schedule for swimming pool can be checked here:

Gale is the most modern sports center with the longest tradition in the country.

And much more than that.

His story, which lasts more than four decades, began in 1973, when the pool "25. May "built for the first World Water Sports Championship.

The purpose-built building,
+ Read more


No extra charge

Comments and ratings (313)

Equipment 8.9
Staff 9
Hygiene 8.6
Interior 8.7

How to leave a comment ?

If you want to leave a comment and a review, you need to go to the desired object, check in, and in the evening you will receive an e-mail (your Fitpass registration e-mail address will be used) with instructions on how to leave a review.

8.8 31.12.2024 / 21:09

“Malo toplija voda ako može, fenovi poželjni.”

8.8 21.12.2024 / 24:01

“Trebalo mi je 15 minuta ormarić koji radi. 90% ormarić ne radi. Sve ostalo ok”

10 16.12.2024 / 16:11


10 16.12.2024 / 09:56

“Odlicno, za svaku preporuku!”

3.1 4.12.2024 / 14:19

“Sramota sta se desilo bazenima 25. maj. Takva nebriga i zapostavljenost kultnog sportskog objekta u ovom regionu. Zatvoreni bazen: ormarici ne rade, toaleti u kvaru, higijenski ispod proseka, budj i alge na plocicama u keugu bazena, odvaljena sedista na tribinama, 50% tuseva koji ne radi. skandalozno vodjen objekat. mislim da necu vise dolaziti na bazen.”

9.4 2.12.2024 / 01:32

“Da se poprave ormari”

7.5 16.11.2024 / 20:59


6.9 16.11.2024 / 22:53

“ledena voda”

8.1 14.11.2024 / 20:25

“Najlepse mesto 😊✌️”

10 9.11.2024 / 19:33

“Sv ok”

Tadeuša Košćuškog 63, Stari Grad, Beograd