User rating: 8.55 Read comments (93)

Working hours

Monday 07:00-22:00
Tuesday 07:00-22:00
Wednesday 07:00-22:00
Thursday 07:00-22:00
Friday 07:00-22:00
Saturday 10:00-21:00
Sunday 10:00-21:00

About us

NBG GYM is a gym, which is located on the second floor above the post office in the Old Mercator. Established in 1992, one of the first gym in New Belgrade. The gym is equipped with modern equipment Hammer Strength brands, Hoist, Nautillus, Cybex, Strive and others, and consists of a cardio zone, which is equipped with Life Fitness cardio program that incl
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No extra charge

Comments and ratings (93)

Equipment 8.8
Staff 8.9
Hygiene 8.4
Interior 8.1

How to leave a comment ?

If you want to leave a comment and a review, you need to go to the desired object, check in, and in the evening you will receive an e-mail (your Fitpass registration e-mail address will be used) with instructions on how to leave a review.

10 2.3.2025 / 21:34

“Ubedljivo najbolja teretana na NBG, a verovatno i sire. Sve potrebne sprave, ljubazni i izuzetno strucni instruktori, prijatna atmosfera, kulturni vezbaci, prijatna muzika,.... Vrh!”

10 17.2.2025 / 16:53

“Treniram u ovoj teretani 26 god. Nista sem reci hvale imam za NBG Gym!”

10 2.1.2025 / 12:37


10 25.9.2024 / 09:36

“Cist, uredan i prostran objekat. Prijatno sam iznenadjen.”

10 18.6.2024 / 19:54

“Moj prvi izbor. Odnedavno jos veci prostor. Prezadovoljan sam i ne nameravam da menjam.”

8.8 12.6.2024 / 20:58

“Sasvim korektna teretana, prostrana sa dovoljno mašina i opcija za vežbanje. Set bućica je impresivan (od 2.5kg do 50kg) ali im je već vreme za zamenu. Zona za kardio (narandžasta) je odlična. Ukratko: dobar izbor za dobar trening.”

9.4 29.4.2024 / 17:43

“Zaista prava old school teretana. Pohvale za posveceno osoblje.”

6.3 28.4.2024 / 16:01

“It's ok”

5.6 27.4.2024 / 01:20

“ventilacija uzas”

9.4 26.3.2024 / 19:13

“najbolja teretana na NBG-u”

Palmira Toljatija 5, Novi Beograd, Beograd