Teretana Kolos

Read comments (4)

Working hours

Monday 10:00-22:00
Tuesday 10:00-22:00
Wednesday 10:00-22:00
Thursday 10:00-22:00
Friday 10:00-22:00
Saturday 12:00-21:00
Sunday 16:00-21:00

About us

FitPass users get the nutrition program.
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No extra charge

Comments and ratings (4)

Equipment 0
Staff 0
Hygiene 0
Interior 0

How to leave a comment ?

If you want to leave a comment and a review, you need to go to the desired object, check in, and in the evening you will receive an e-mail (your Fitpass registration e-mail address will be used) with instructions on how to leave a review.

10 6.4.2022 / 21:04


6.3 4.2.2022 / 18:56

“Nema velikih guzvi tokom celog dana. Teretana je solidno opremljena za prosecnog vezbaca. Nema traka za trcanje.”

2.5 31.7.2021 / 16:58

“Katastrofa, verovatno najgora teretana koju sam posetio. Više od 70 posto sprava je neispravno, osoblja nije ni bilo, haos i nehigijenski uslovi”

3.8 3.4.2021 / 14:04

“Izuzetno prljavo, sprave su stare, klimave, rđave i nisu dugo servisirane, što je bezbednosni rizik. Pod je u izuzetno lošem stanju i veoma je prljavo. Jedno od lošijih iskustava.”

Branka Miljkovića 9, Medijana, Niš