Working hours
Monday 08:00-23:00
Tuesday 08:00-23:00
Wednesday 08:00-23:00
Thursday 08:00-23:00
Friday 08:00-23:00
Saturday 08:00-23:00
Sunday 12:00-22:00
About us
The gym is the perfect place for you and your family. Club with positive energy, no professional athletes in which you will feel at home. Equipped and air-conditioned, a large number of parking places, with sauna, solarium, massage and coaches who are there for you, it will be your oasis for a break from daily duties. Protein and juice bar with wifi. Fully renovated building, all the exercise equipment are new. The enjoyment can be your way of li
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Comments and ratings (9)
How to leave a comment ?
If you want to leave a comment and a review, you need to go to the desired object, check in, and in the evening you will receive an e-mail (your Fitpass registration e-mail address will be used) with instructions on how to leave a review.
“Old school nema klime zna da se jako oseti znoj od svih okolo”
“lepo zamišljen koncept, s tim što je potrebno sprave malo osvežiti, popraviti...takođe, potrebna je bolja ventilacija, prlično je zagušljivo kada unutra ima 5+ vežbača. ostalo sve ok.”
“Nema uslova za tusiranje u muskoj svlacionici”
“U delu gde je teretana bi mogla da bude jos malo bolja ventilacija, inace sve je super, sve pohvale. Pozdrav”
“U sali nema grejanja...”
“U prepodnevnim casovima nije bilo nikog ko je kompetentan za rad na spravama.”
“Dosta bolje, nego zadnji put, aa to je bilo pre više meseci ”
“Da se zamene pojedine sprave ili poprave, da se poboljsa hihijena. ”